Jul 09, 2023
The Biblical story of the prophet Bilaam and the Moabite king Balak is the quintessential backdrop for understanding Political agendas and manipulation of the masses.
In a nutshell, the prophet Bilaam is asked to come and curse the nation of Israel. Against the will of Hashem, Bilaam acquiesces to the request with one caveat, "he will only speak what Hashem puts in his mouth." Balak takes him to three different locations that allowed Bilaam to see the nation of Israel and instead of curing Israsel, he blesses them. However, on the third go around Bilaam has this aha moment. He sees how much it pleases Hashem when he blesses Israel so instead of turning to his sources of divination to get the attention of Hashem, he goes straight to the source, Hashem himself. In turn, Hashem causes His Spirit (ruach haKodesh) to descend upon him and he utters one of the most prolific and uplifting prophecies about Israel's future. The story ends with Bilaam walking off stage with Balak.
Strangely the story picks up a few chapters later with the princes of Israel being seduced by the women of Moab—which the Torah says was a plan that originated with Bilaam. Bilaam knew the weakness of men. He told King Balak exactly how to undermine the moral fabric of Israeli society.
This type of action is known as "sedition." The conduct or speech that incites people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
How could a man who knows Hashem and who knows that it pleases Hashem to bless instead of curse Israel devise a seditious plan to destroy Israel?
There are several reasons that can be ascribed to Bilaam—his hatred for the Jews, his contempt for Truth, his contempt of G-D, and his lust for material wealth.
I suggest it was a combination of contempt and wealth. Balak offered him up to half the kingdom if he cursed the Jews. He couldn't collect because every time he opened his mouth a blessing came out. So, instead of walking away, Bilaam made a backroom deal for a hefty price to which Balak agreed.
Bilaam's seditious plan and Balak's implementation of the plan resulted in Israel falling into idolatry and sexual immorality with Moabite women. This led to divine anger and a subsequent plague that struck the Israelite camp. The righteous son of Eliezer the priest, Pinchas stopped the plague by killing two chief transgressors who were brazen enough to openly exploit sexual perversion in front of the door of the holy Tabernacle (Mishkan).
Today, idolatry and sexual immorality are being used to break down the moral fabric of American Organizations—especially connected to the Open Society Foundation and the Progressive Left Agenda that has infiltrated every department of the U.S. government.
Plagues, natural disasters, and attacks on conservative institutions are a sign of divine anger.
Don't buy into sedition instead stand against it and overturn it with truth--G-D will in turn destroy the seducers and exalt the righteous.
l nds of blessing the house of Israel three times in three different places.
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